I am growing a new breast out of my right side. When I asked John to feel it yesterday, he said “oh my”. Who needs plastic surgery?! Perhaps this new miracle breast will give miracle milk!
Seriously, this is probably a build up of fluid that the drain was taking care of and now my body is supposed to somehow reabsorb. I will see what Dr. Rimmer says tomorrow. Dr. Lickstein seems to think that everything looks the way it is supposed to look.
I am still very sore, especially under my arm, and still taking the Tylenol 3 at night. I think it is the codeine that I like because it helps me to sleep better.
When I told Sebastian about my new miracle breast, he asked if I thought I might have a future in the circus. I am thinking more along the lines of the cinnamon bun that looked like Mother Theresa. Perhaps a shrine …